
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Useful expressions about Love

Useful expressions about Love

This verb is classed as a stative verb, because it describes a person’s emotional state, as opposed to an action. This means that it is normally used in the non-progressive form (“I love” not “I’m loving”). However, since 2003, the slogan for McDonald’s has been “I’m lovin’ it”, which was the name of a hit single by Justin Timberlake. Language purists dislike this usage, but it’s generally accepted in informal situations.

I love verb + -ing

To talk about your hobbies or your likes in general:
■ I love swimming.

I love to + infinitive

To describe something in more detail:
■ I love to swim in the lake every morning.

I’d/I would love to!

To accept an invitation:
■ Would you like to join us for lunch? — I’d love to!

I’d/I would love to..., but...

To talk about something that you would like to do, but can’t:
■ I’d love to join you, but I have a meeting.

love at first sight

To explain that you have loved someone or something from the first moment on:
■ When I saw their new smartphone, I knew it was love at first sight.

not for love or money

To show something is not available or possible, or that you absolutely will not do something:
■ After the hurricane, we couldn’t get a room in New York — not for love or money.

there’s no love lost between them

To say that two or more people do not like each other:
■ There’s clearly no love lost between them. They argue all the time about the designs.

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