
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Conditional sentences, type I, statements - Exercise 1

Conditional sentences, type I, statements - Exercise 1

Explanation: Conditional sentences - type I

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Form a Conditional sentence - type I. Only use the will-future in the main clauses.

Toggle example
1) If I  (to study), I  (to pass) the exams.
2) If the sun  (to shine), we  (to walk) to the town.
3) If he  (to have) a temperature, he  (to see) the doctor.
4) If my friends  (to come), I  (to be) very happy.
5) If she  (to earn) a lot of money, she  (to fly) to New York.
6) If we  (to travel) to London, we  (to visit) the museums.
7) If you  (to wear) sandals in the mountains, you  (to slip)on the rocks.
8) If Rita  (to forget) her homework, the teacher  (to give)her a low mark.
9) If they  (to go) to the disco, they  (to listen) to loud music.
10) If you  (to wait) a minute, I  (to ask) my parents.

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