
Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Make Valentine's Day Extra Special - For your significant other - For your family members - For your friends - For your crushes - For yourself

Edited by Dawn Moninger, Ben Rubenstein, KnowItSome, Shayes and 21 others
The pressure that comes every February 14th should not overwhelm you from showing your loved ones just how much you care about them. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, there are simple ways to make Valentine’s Day extra special for the ones you love, not to mention yourself. Soon your loved ones will be thinking you were struck by Cupid’s arrow!

Method 1 of 5: For your significant other

  1. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Don't forget! Mark your calendars, because the worst thing is to be caught off guard, struggling at the last minute to make Valentine’s Day special for your partner.
  2. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Plan ahead. Procrastination leads to sloppiness. Start thinking about plans, reservations and gift ideas a week in advance to make sure everything plays out smoothly.
  3. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Anything is better than nothing! Whatever you do, do not leave your partner empty-handed. A card, flowers and candy are all cliché, but clichés become that way for a reason; they’re effective.
  4. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Make them feel loved. Valentine’s Day is all about expressing your love for someone. Give your partner your undivided attention, and go the extra mile to prove there’s no one you’d rather share this day with.
  5. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Do something specific to your relationship. Whether it’s revisiting the site of your first date or surprising them with plans you’ve been talking about doing forever but kept putting off, showing your partner that you listen and hold reverence for moments in your relationship is the best way to go.
  6. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    Celebrate your love and relationship. Reflect on your relationship; relive the laughs, the romance and all the other little things that have made it so special. A photo scrapbook or slideshow, as well as mementos from dates are a great way to show nostalgia and sentimentality for your partner.
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Method 2 of 5: For your family members

  1. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 7 Version 2.jpg
    Send them cards. Buy a pack of Valentine’s Day cards, write a message in them and mail them off to your family. The message can be simple, but make sure it shows that you gave it some thought. Tell them how you truly feel about them but make it short and sweet!
  2. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 8 Version 2.jpg
    Call them. Even if it’s just for a brief 5 minutes, calling up your parents to tell them you love them is a great way to show your Valentines day spirit. They’ll truly appreciate it and you’ll get an “I love you” back indefinitely.
  3. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 9 Version 2.jpg
    A simple sign of affection: If you’re around your family members, drop in for a visit and leave them with a hug or kiss. Take mom out for dinner or dad to the hockey game. Make sure it's a place or an activity that you know your parents will enjoy but don't go too overboard with it.

Method 3 of 5: For your friends

  1. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 10 Version 2.jpg
    Celebrate with each other. Go out for a night in town with your friends. Weather you are single or not single, show them that you didn't forget about them. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Go to the movies, shopping, how about the casino? Everyone enjoys a girls-night-out and a guys-night-out!
  2. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 11 Version 2.jpg
    Express how much your friendship means. Something as simple as a text wishing them a Happy Valentine’s Day or a Facebook post with heart emojis is a nice way to show that you may not share romantic love, but it’s still love all the same.
  3. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 12 Version 2.jpg
    Gift ideas for friends. Give each other silly gifts like a giant pink gorilla, or buy those giant heart-shaped boxes of chocolate and a bottle of wine and share them amongst each other. But give some thought to it. If they love winegums then buy them a pack and put it in cute valentines box. If they enjoy dark chocolate buy them a bar and share them together.

Method 4 of 5: For your crushes

  1. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 13 Version 2.jpg
    Go the extra mile. If you’re crushing on Valentine’s Day, a good way to really show that person your feelings is to do something they might not expect. Being there for them in any way could go a long way.
  2. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 14 Version 2.jpg
    Give them or make them something. This shows a lot of thought on your part and solidifies you as someone who cares about them. Whether it’s baking them a cupcake or slipping them a card, it’s the gesture that will resonate the most.
  3. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 15 Version 2.jpg
    Tell them you like them. If they’re single too and you've been flirting with the idea for a while, just go for it. What better time to make a move?
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Method 5 of 5: For yourself

  1. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 16 Version 2.jpg
    Treat yourself. You love yourself (hopefully) so why not treat yourself to the same kind of love and affection you’re giving to others. Buy something for yourself or take an hour for some “me” time. You deserve it. A day at the spa or your favorite delivery fast food or take-out.
  2. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 17 Version 2.jpg
    Don’t beat yourself up for being single. Valentine’s Day is notorious for being a couples’ holiday. Don’t let the social stigma of this holiday knock you down if you happen to be single on this one day. It’s better to be single than to have a partner you choose to love out of convenience to satisfy the expectations of this holiday.This is just an excuse to spend EVEN MORE time with your friends and family!
  3. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 18 Version 2.jpg
    Celebrate love in general. Love is universal, so celebrate this natural, all-encompassing human emotion. Celebrate your accomplishments, party with your friends or surround yourself with family. Love comes in all forms beyond just romance. Allow yourself to feel it in some way.
  4. Make Valentine's Day Extra Special Step 19 Version 2.jpg
    Be the best you can be for your loved ones. It’s the one day of the year where everyone should take an extra minute and acknowledge the loved ones that you value, whoever they may be. It truly is the little things, and you’ll end up making someone’s day by expressing your love for them.


  • If you truly love someone, use this day as an excuse to express that feeling. Finally. Anything, even a simple hug or an “I love you” can go a long way.
  • You don’t have to spend a lot of money to show your love and affection.
  • Don’t let the stress of the day get to you. Don’t overthink gifts or plans. Do what comes naturally in your relationships with your loved ones while actually taking the time to show and celebrate your love on this day.
  • You don’t need grand gestures to make Valentine’s Day truly special. Simply going out of your way to do something nice or thoughtful can make a huge difference.
  • Making something shows more thought and affection. Anyone can go out and buy something, but to actually put your own time and effort into making something, or setting up a marvelous date, shows serious commitment.
  • Make this day about your loved one. Do the things they like to do, or that you know they’ll respond well to. Remember to always keep their feelings and tastes in mind. Knowing these details and accommodating to them will make for a truly special Valentine’s Day they will always cherish.
  • Be conscious of when Valentine’s Day falls. You really only get one shot at making sure your cards, flowers or other gifts arrive for your loved ones on February 14th. Nothing is worse than a belated Valentine’s Day gift. Plan ahead, and plan accordingly.
  • Decorating with cut-out hearts or rose petals is a quick, easy way to show someone you care without having to put too much time or money into the sentiment.
  • If you don't feel like doing too much or spending a fortune this Valentines Day think of something super simple. Rent a favorite movie, invite your friends and family over for a dinner, make some homemade cards with special messages on them. Store bought cards make it seem like you hadn't put much thought into it. AND REMEMBER VALENTINES DAY IS ABOUT LOVE.

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